The NEB Lab - European Union
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New European Bauhaus

The NEB Lab

The NEB Lab is a co-creation space at the service of the New European Bauhaus community, for the delivery of beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive projects to improve our daily lives.

The Lab is where the New European Bauhaus is implemented in concrete and tangible projects. It is about what we can achieve when we work together in a spirit of openness and trust. It focuses on connecting people, learning from each other and tapping into everyone’s experience.

NEB Lab projects manifest the New European Bauhaus into concrete actions with two missions:

  • to create enabling conditions for the green transition, such as new tools, frameworks, policy recommendations, etc.
  • to trigger tangible transformation on the ground


What does the NEB Lab do?

The NEB Lab is a project-based structure where teams self-organise to achieve tangible change in a specific place or context.

The New European Bauhaus Community and EU institutions autonomously develop projects proposals for the NEB Lab. Proposals become NEB Lab projects following a process that ensures a clear purpose, transparency towards the community, and well-defined beneficiaries.

The NEB Lab:

  • Ensures coherence across projects and alignment with the New European Bauhaus principles.
  • Supports project development by challenging proposals, connecting projects with the community and institutions for additional support, and bridging local action with the European and international dimension.
  • Offers projects space on a dedicated online platform, mentoring and communication support.

The NEB Lab does not provide funding for projects, however project teams can consider support and financing options, e.g. support in kind, EU, national, regional or local public funding, sponsorship.

What are the key characteristics of NEB Lab projects?

NEB Lab projects are developed autonomously by a team of project coordinators and may receive support from several entities beyond the official New European Bauhaus Community. They count on independent experts and are expected to deliver change on the ground.

NEB Lab projects:

  • Create or replicate beautiful, sustainable, inclusive places, products or experiences or enable initiatives to achieve that.
  • Provide results that are practical and replicable.
  • Are change processes that benefit communities and ecosystems.
  • Are based on international and cross-sectoral partnerships.
  • Inform the policy-making processes with their outputs, outcomes, and learnings.
  • Offer open-source learning opportunities for Community members.
  • Use participatory design methods and tools and draw on cross-disciplinary competences.

What is the relationship between the NEB Lab and the New European Bauhaus Community?

The New European Bauhaus community includes:

The Community is broader than the NEB Lab, but there is a link between the two. 

Non-profit organisations can join the Community by becoming New European Bauhaus partners. Official partners undergo a screening process and are the only entities that can jointly propose projects for the NEB Lab. The New European Bauhaus team supports the maturing of emerging projects and validates the ones ready to become part of the NEB Lab.

Become a partner

For-profit organisations, companies, and public or political entities, such as regions, cities and villages, can also join the Community by becoming friends of the initiative. Friends of the New European Bauhaus can recommend NEB Lab activities to partners and support them in several ways, for example by implementing a projects in a region.

Become a friend

More information

  • 7 APRIL 2022
New European Bauhaus: NEB Lab explained
  • 7 APRIL 2022
Factsheet: New European Bauhaus & the NEB Lab