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New European Bauhaus

About the initiative

NEB icon

The New European Bauhaus brings innovation, ambition and creativity together. It calls on all Europeans to imagine and build a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls.

The New European Bauhaus is a creative and transdisciplinary movement in the making!

  • It is a bridge between the world of science and technology, art and culture.
  • It is about leveraging our green and digital challenges to transform our lives for the better.
  • It is an invitation to address complex societal problems together through co-creation. 

By creating bridges between different backgrounds, cutting across disciplines and building on participation at all levels, the New European Bauhaus inspires a movement to facilitate and steer the transformation of our societies along three inseparable values:

  • sustainability, from climate goals to circularity, zero pollution, and biodiversity
  • aesthetics, quality of experience and style beyond functionality
  • inclusion, from valuing diversity to securing accessibility and affordability

The New European Bauhaus brings citizens, experts, businesses, and institutions together to reimagine sustainable living in Europe and beyond. In addition to creating a platform for experimentation and connection, the initiative supports positive change also by providing access to EU funding for beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive projects.

  1. July 2024
    New European Bauhaus Investment Guidelines

    Commission presents the NEB Investment Guidelines to help investors align projects with NEB's transformative vision.

    Press Release

    New European Bauhaus Investment Guidelines

    New European Bauhaus Investment Guidelines Factsheet

  2. June 2024
    Consultations on the priorities for New European Bauhaus Facility

    The Commission launched consultations on the 2025-27 priorities for the New European Bauhaus Facility. The NEB Facility is a unique EU funding tool that aims to revitalise neighbourhoods through design for sustainability and inclusion. The consultation seeks to gather information on specific needs on the ground and as well as most cutting-edge ideas required for comprehensive transformation of neighbourhoods for the better. This will help the Commission develop the roadmap that will guide the facility's implementation in the 2025-27 period. 

    News announcement

  3. 11 April 2024
    Launch of the NEB Academy

    The NEB Academy is a new initiative of the New European Bauhaus that will give a decisive push for new skills and education in the construction sector. Its launch is a major step towards boosting skills in sustainable construction and accelerating the green transformation of the building sector. 

    The Academy will combine the New European Bauhaus values of sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness, accelerating the fair and green transformation of the building sector.

    News announcement

  4. 9-13 April 2024
    Second edition of The Festival of the New European Bauhaus & Prizes 2024

    The second edition of the festival, designed around the three pillars of Forum, Fair, Fest and Satellite events across Europe and beyond, took stock of the achievements of the initiative since its inception in 2021 and showcased projects on the ground from hundreds of exhibitors.

    Sustainable fashion was added to the list of Forum discussions for the first time, complimented by a sustainable fashion show on 11 April.

    The fourth edition of the New European Bauhaus Prizes Awards took place on 12 April at the Art & History Museum in Brussels.

    News announcement, The Festival

    Press release, Prizes 2024


  5. 20 March 2024
    Announcement of the NEB Facility

    This first dedicated multiannual financial support instrument, the NEB Facility was endorsed by the Member States and adopted by the College. Given the cross-cutting nature of the NEB and of its R&I content, the NEB will be implemented as a cross-cluster issue in the Horizon Europe work programmes for 2025-2027. This R&I component will be complemented by a roll-out component that will be delivered through synergies with other EU programmes.

    Press release

  6. 19 July 2023
    New proposed Horizon Mission on the New European Bauhaus

    The European Commission has launched preparations for a new EU Mission on the New European Bauhaus. 

    With a focus on research and innovation solutions, the proposed mission would aim to transform neighbourhoods across Europe for the better, making them beautiful, sustainable and inclusive. The new mission would engage with people to build greater social acceptance for EU Green Deal policies, promoting social ownership of green solutions and encouraging behavioural changes needed to meet EU Green Deal targets. 

    The Commission will work closely with the Member States and the community at large to define this approach.

    Press Release

    News announcement

    Questions and answers

  7. 22 June 2023
    New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023

    The European Commission has announced the 15 winners of the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023.

    The NEB Prizes celebrate and award inspiring examples of existing projects and ideas from young talents, to make Europe more sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive.

    The 2023 edition of the Prizes, the third one overall, received more than 1.400 applications from EU Member States and for the first time, applications for initiatives in the Western Balkans. In the context of the European Year of Skills, the Prizes also included an additional strand focused on education and learning.

    Press Release

    New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023

  8. 25-26 May 2023
    NEB at La Biennale di Venezia 2023

    The New European Bauhaus participated in the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia with its Collateral Event "Radical yet possible future space solution".

    Livestream recording

  9. 2 February 2023
    NEB actions for Ukraine - capacity building programme

    The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, travelled to Kyiv, accompanied by 15 Commissioners, for the first ever meeting between the College and the Ukrainian Government. The College discussed with the Ukrainian government EU support to help Ukraine rebuild its cities in a high-quality, sustainable and inclusive way with the New European Bauhaus.

    To further support local Ukrainian decision-makers, the NEB released two in-depth reports written by Ukrainian and international experts. These reports focus on housing urgency and circular housing.

    Press Release


    Video Joint Press Conference

    NEB actions for Ukraine

    Housing urgency Report

    Circular housing Report

  10. 17 January 2023
    The New European Bauhaus Report

    The New European Bauhaus has issued the first Report a year after the Communication

    Press Release

    Video of the Press Conference

    Progress Report



  11. 6 December 2022
    New European Bauhaus Prizes open for applications

    The 2023 competition will reward 15 exemplary initiatives linking sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusiveness. In the context of the European Year of Skills, the 2023 edition will have a strand focussing on education and learning. For the first time, projects and concepts in the Western Balkans can be submitted. 

    Press Release 

    Questions and answers 

    New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023

  12. 11 October 2022
    Open call for innovative projects in cities

    The European Urban Initiative (EUI) launched a €50 million call to support urban innovation and cities’ capabilities to build a sustainable urban development, based on the New European Bauhaus values.

    Press Release

    European Urban Initiative

  13. 29 September 2022
    Sixty cities to become climate neutral, beautiful and inclusive

    The cities joined CrAFt, a Horizon Europe project that is inspired by the New European Bauhaus and brings cities, citizens, policymakers, arts, and academia together to co-shape the transition to climate neutrality by 2030. The CrAFt cities that will test transformation models will receive implementation support and become role models for other cities across Europe.

    Press release


    Map of 60 cities

  14. 16 September 2022
    Three new members join the NEB high-level roundtable

    An important part of the New European Bauhaus is its high-level roundtable, composed of advanced thinkers and practitioners bringing inspiration and acting as ambassadors. Three new members have joined the group:

    1. Francis Kéré, internationally renowned architect, 2022 Pritzker prize laureate
    2. Hilda Flavia Nakabuye, climate, gender, and environmental rights activist
    3. Emeka Ogboh, artist and music producer

    They will bring new perspectives and insights into the movement and reinforce the global and cultural dimensions of the New European Bauhaus.

    New European Bauhaus high-level roundtable

  15. 14 September 2022
    EP report on the New European Bauhaus adopted

    Following a plenary vote on 14 September, the Commission welcomed the European Parliament’s strong support for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) as it celebrated two years of existence. The Parliament’s report notably called for stronger financing of the initiative.

    European Parliament's report

  16. 9-12 June 2022
    The Festival of the New European Bauhaus & Prizes 2022

    Designed around three pillars, Forum, Fair and Fest, and based physically in Brussels, at Gare Maritime and at the Mont des Arts, and equally online, the Festival of the New European Bauhaus was built with the NEB community to showcase, celebrate, and develop the movement. Next to the rich programme in Brussels, the Festival also spread throughout Europe, with more than 200 co-created side events independently organised by partners.

    On 11 June, the prestigious New European Bauhaus Prizes were awarded in four categories: Reconnecting with nature; Regaining a sense of belonging; Prioritising the places and people that need it the most and Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking.

    Press Release

    Festival's platform

    Prize winners 2022

  17. 23 May 2022
    Registrations open for the first Festival of the New European Bauhaus: 9 - 12 June 2022 in Brussels and abroad

    The Commission organises for the first time a Festival dedicated to the New European Bauhaus (NEB). Designed around three pillars, Forum, Fair and Fest and based physically in Brussels, at Gare Maritime & Mont des Arts, with side events around Europe and available online, the Festival of the New European Bauhaus will bring together people from all walks of life to explore, debate and shape a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive future.

    Press Release

    Festival programme & registrations

  18. 4 May 2022
    Lighthouse projects to be financed across Europe

    Five projects selected for the €25 million call for the development of ‘lighthouse demonstrators of the New European Bauhaus (NEB). 

    Press release

  19. 7 April 2022
    Launch of ‘NEB LAB' with new projects and call for Friends

    The NEB LAB is a ‘think and do' tank to make the New European Bauhaus a reality through concrete and tangible projects. By connecting the initiative's growing community and sharing ideas, it will bring about beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive changes on the ground.

    The launch of the ‘NEB LAB' starts with a call for Friends of the New European Bauhaus to involve companies and public actors such as regions, villages and cities, more directly in the New European Bauhaus.

    On 7 April, the Commission also announced the winner of an international architectural contest for a new building that will house 400 researchers at the Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Seville, Spain.

    Press release

    NEB Lab

    Factsheet: New European Bauhaus & the NEB Lab

    Call for Friends

    New European Bauhaus inspired future JRC site in Seville

  20. 30 March 2022
    Open calls: support for citizens, cities, and towns

    Three new New European Bauhaus calls are available to support citizens, cities and towns to bring their beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive initiatives closer to their communities.

    Press release

    Support to New European Bauhaus local initiatives (ERDF)

    Co-creation of public space through citizen engagement (EIT)

    Citizen engagement activities (EIT)

  21. 17 February - December 2022
    Open call: Transformation of places of learning

    Share your project and join other passionate individuals and organisations making a difference in where and how people learn across Europe and beyond - from classrooms to streets and from playgrounds to libraries.

    Transform places of learning

  22. 11 February 2022
    Horizon Europe-New European Bauhaus Nexus report published

    The report is opening a window over the potential for the EU research and innovation framework programme to contribute to the New European Bauhaus.

    Independent Expert Report

  23. 9 February 2022
    Open calls to co-create the first New European Bauhaus Festival

    The Festival of the New European Bauhaus will take place from 9 to 12 June 2022 as a hybrid event. The core activities will take place in Brussels, with side events across the EU and beyond. The call to creators and organisations to join and be part of the Festival is open until 21 March 2022.

    Press Release

    The Festival of the New European Bauhaus

  24. 18 January 2022
    Launch of the 2022 New European Bauhaus Prizes

    The 2022 New European Bauhaus prizes will celebrate new inspiring examples of the transformations the initiative wants to bring about in our daily lives, living spaces and experiences. 

    Press Release

    Questions & Answers

    New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022

  25. 16 September 2021
    New European Bauhaus Prize Winners

    European Commissioners Ferreira and Gabriel awarded 20 inspiring projects and ideas that pave the way for the future.

    Press Release

    New European Bauhaus Prizes 2021

  26. 15 September 2021
    New European Bauhaus Communication adoption

    The Commission adopted a Communication that sets out the framework, core principles and key actions that will drive the New European Bauhaus forward, as it moves from co-design to delivery. The delivery presents also the first elements of a support framework at EU level. 

    New European Bauhaus Delivery

    Press Release

    Questions & Answers

  27. 30 June 2021
    End of the co-design phase

    During the co-design phase, more than 200 multidisciplinary conversations took place and about 2000 contributors shared their ideas, challenges and visions via the New European Bauhaus website. All the inputs fed into the sense-making process and helped shape the concept of the initiative.

    Co-design process and contributions

    Report on the co-design phase

  28. 22-23 April 2021
    New European Bauhaus Conference & launch of 2021 Prizes

    The 2-day conference brought together architects, engineers, urban planners, climate activists, scientists, local representatives, creative minds, students and educators from all over the world. More than 8500 people from 85 countries followed the debates, panel discussions and workshops on the future of living. As part of the event the first New European Bauhaus Prize was launched.

    New European Bauhaus Conference

    New European Bauhaus Prizes 2021

  29. 18 January 2021
    Launch of the co-design phase

    The goal of the 6-month design phase was to shape the New European Bauhaus concept through a co-creation process by exploring ideas, identifying the most urgent needs and challenges, and connecting interested parties. Key actors in this process of collecting contributions from across Europe and beyond have been the initiative's ambassadors - the members of the high-level roundtable and our official partners.  

    Press Release

    High-level roundtable members

    Official partners

  30. September 2020
    State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen

    "I want NextGenerationEU to kickstart a European renovation wave and make our Union a leader in the circular economy. But this is not just an environmental or economic project: it needs to be a new cultural project for Europe. [...] This is why we will set up a new European Bauhaus – a co-creation space where architects, artists, students, engineers, designers work together to make that happen. This is shaping the world we want to live in."

    2020 State of the Union Address