NEB Self-Assessment Method - European Union Skip to main content
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New European Bauhaus

NEB Self-Assessment Method

The New European Bauhaus self-assessment method was envisaged to evaluate where a project or activity stands in relation to the NEB dimensions.

This is a groundbreaking, multidisciplinary, comprehensive and synergistic approach for the evaluation of projects and activities under the NEB values, principles and ambitions. The method comprises a set of harmonised measurable criteria (i.e. key performance indicators) and specific thresholds, meant to quantify the quality of a project according to specific dimension assessment targets.

The online Self-Assessment tool is available here, however please note, that the dedicated website is currently still under development.

We also advise you to consult the Self-Assessment's Handbook before starting with the self-assessment.

Start Assessing your project now  Download the NEB Self-Assessment Method Handbook

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

The key performance indicators are designed based on key aspects relevant to the objectives defined for each dimension, and responding to specific challenges using the NEB ways and approaches. 

The NEB self-assessment method aligns with established standards, combining, balancing and expanding them to ensure a consistent and comprehensive evaluation of Sustainability, Beauty and Inclusiveness. 

This process of assessment requires the definition of an overarching common understanding and a broad-scope shared culture of high-quality architecture and built environment. By doing so, the method ensures a quantitative assessment of environmental performance, health and comfort and life cycle cost and value, without overlooking crucial aspects, such as social equity, aesthetic quality, or resilience against evolving hazard scenarios.

The ultimate goal of the NEB quantitative assessment should not be seen as fostering a competitive environment based on ratings, in which projects with higher scores obtain a better certification level or recognition from a third-party assessor after the construction. The method rather focuses on facilitating the self-assessment carried out by the same parties involved in the design and delivery of the project, fostering the continuous and informed improvement of its performance in terms of NEB principles.

Online Tool

The proposed self-assessment method involves four hierarchical steps that roughly correspond to the assessment levels, i.e. evaluation of:

  1. indicator scores,
  2. KPI performance classes,
  3. KPI performance class scores, and
  4. dimension performance class. 

Prior to commencing with the implementation of steps, the user needs to classify the considered project in terms of spatial scale, type and main use. The classification of the project will impact the self-assessment process in various ways, including the modification of indicator weights, KPI weights, and KPI thresholds. The project classification may further affect the definition of indicators, along with their inclusion/exclusion in the calculation of KPI scores.

The self-assessment tool evaluates specific and global performances of projects for the three NEB dimensions. Scores are estimated for all indicators, KPIs and dimensions, however, eventually projects are evaluated in qualitative terms, considering the attained KPI and dimension performance classes to minimise the impact of calculation and input uncertainties. In this context, KPI and dimension performance classes represent the main output of the tool. Nevertheless, the self-assessment tool provides the user with an evaluation of the overall performance, thus increasing the chances of success.