How is New European Bauhaus funded? - European Union
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New European Bauhaus

How is New European Bauhaus funded?

As a cross-cutting initiative, the New European Bauhaus has been financed by various EU programmes, notably Horizon Europe, Cohesion policy and the LIFE programme. 

As of June 2024, close to EUR 400 million have been committed to the New European Bauhaus. In addition, the NEB principles have been used in numerous calls for proposals on various EU policies financed by EU budget in different programmes.

A list of dedicated and contributing calls of the years 2021-2024 can be found here.

Addtionally, all Member States have national programmes with NEB references (to be explored with designated managing authorities here).

NEB facility

From 2025 onwards, the New European Bauhaus is set to have its first-ever multiannual funding tool, the NEB Facility, that aims to revitalise neighbourhoods through design for sustainability and inclusion. 

Adopted by the Commission in March 2024, it will anchor the NEB in the EU multi-annual programming from 2025 to 2027. It is a cross-cutting tool that combines different funding instruments of the Commission and covers the full cycle of implementation of solutions – from research and innovation to deployment – through its two components:  

  1. The Research & Innovation component, anchored in Horizon Europe, will cover actions from research to testing and demonstration, with a yearly indicative budget of EUR 120 million. 
  2. The Roll-out component, building on the support to the New European Bauhaus already gathered from other eight EU programmes, will deploy solutions for the built environment, aiming to increase their impact on the ground. The Roll-out component aims to match the budget ambition of the R&I component through investments across various EU programmes over the next 3 years. 

Find out more about NEB Facility here


NEB Prizes

Every year, the New European Bauhaus Prizes reward exemplary projects, new concepts and ideas aligned with the NEB principles and values.  

The NEB Prizes showcase and support projects and ideas that are already being implemented on the ground, bringing tangible positive change to communities and individuals. 

Over the four past editions, NEB Prizes received almost 5000 applications and awarded prizes from 15 000 to 30 000 Eur to 72 winners and runner ups, totalling nearly 1.5 million Euros.

Find out more about past editions of the NEB Prizes here


Private investments

New European Bauhaus is first of all a bottom up initiative, where the European Commission provides guidance, norms, and tools for specific projects. Nearly half of the recognised New European Bauhaus projects on the ground are self-organised and privately funded. That confirms a strong grass root movement putting NEB values and principles in practice.

To encourage private investments, several tools have been developed to help project owners, decision makers, investors and other involved parties reach sustainable financing solutions. 

Find out more about NEB Investment Guidelines Find out more about NEB Lab