Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown1Upcoming and ongoingToggle dropdownSelect all (2)Upcoming and ongoingPastCloseClear all Event type Conferences and summitsInfo daysTraining and workshopsToggle dropdownSelectToggle dropdownSelect all (3)Conferences and summitsInfo daysTraining and workshopsCloseClear all Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject building industryNew European Bauhausarchitectureenvironmental policyresearchresearch programmesustainable developmentToggle dropdownSelectToggle dropdownSelect all (7)building industryNew European Bauhausarchitectureenvironmental policyresearchresearch programmesustainable developmentCloseClear all Organisers AACHEN BUILDING EXPERTS e.V. (ABE), nbau. Nachhaltig Bauen, SCHÜCO International KGToggle dropdownSelectToggle dropdownSelect all (1)AACHEN BUILDING EXPERTS e.V. (ABE), nbau. Nachhaltig Bauen, SCHÜCO International KGCloseClear all Venue BielefeldCongress Centre Albert BorschetteToggle dropdownSelectToggle dropdownSelect all (2)BielefeldCongress Centre Albert BorschetteCloseClear all Online type LivestreamToggle dropdownSelectToggle dropdownSelect all (1)LivestreamCloseClear all Search Clear filters Calendar of NEB Events (3) RSS Showing results 1 to 3 Status Upcoming and ongoing 03-04Apr2025Training and workshopsSelf-assessment method and tool for buildings and living spacesBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available03Apr2025Info daysHorizon Implementation Day10Apr2025Conferences and summitsSymposium – Transformation: Time to Act!GermanyExternal event
03-04Apr2025Training and workshopsSelf-assessment method and tool for buildings and living spacesBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available