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New European Bauhaus
  • News article
  • 17 January 2021
  • 1 min read

A good maker spaces in the middle of city making

We are interested in putting good maker spaces in the middle of city making.

Justus Bruns / SlowTech

The Port of Slowtech is a space in the port of Amsterdam where organisations use technology to bring people closer to each other (social cohesion), increase biodiversity (nature) and increase the value of time (culture).

How it works?

1. Selection by makers
A selection of do-ers and makers such as Studio VOUW (using tech to bring people closer together) and TruePrice (using tech to calculate the real costs of our products and services) make a selection of companies / organizations who are actively creating a slower society using tech.
Results in: No nonsense solutions that work

2. Free space to buy time
Each selected company or organization is given free space to develop and create solutions that we need to create a world that lasts longer and works for everyone.
Results in: More success for green and social initiatives

3. Showcase proof = rent
Companies are asked to showcase continuously their results and findings in physical installations to the public.
Results in: Progress that speaks and is accessible to all

4. Attract investors & delegations
The local government (Amsterdam) promotes these inventions both as tourist attractions but also as a possibility for other companies and delegations to invest in, or settle down as well in respected pavilions that are designed by top architects.
Results in: Slowtech as a new distinctive European force

5. Eiffel tower level attention
Architects are invited to design the hubs and give it the flair and design it needs to be taken serious. After all if the Port is not eye catching the way the Eifel tower is, the Slowtech movement will miss its momentum to really get the attention it needs.
Results in: Inspire many to fight harder for a better world

Port of Slowtech


Publication date
17 January 2021