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New European Bauhaus
  • News article
  • 18 March 2021
  • 1 min read

Experiential exploration of biodiversity through data

We are interested in innovative ways of strengthening our connections with nature and other forms of life.

Francesco Lipari

What's your relationship with insects? Can data help us build better relationships between the built environment, humans, and other living systems?

Francesco Lipari shared through our website the example of a movable interactive laboratory that makes intensive investigations on the biodiversity of urban and suburban areas.

The idea behind it is to elaborate data collected from insect samples around a city by creating a new instrument to regulate building activity through the knowledge of its urban environment. This process, along with a mapping activity of citizens' wishes, aspires to turn a City's General Plan into an Emotional and Ecosystemic General Plan (EEGP). The approach aims to sensitise people towards global biodiversity, the insects' meaning in the future urban practice, and caring more about the environment in general.

The project emphasizes the human-insect relationship. The entire pavilion is realized in wood combining traditional techniques and computer-numerical control machines. Inspired by the typical shapes of the Roman Baroque, hybridized with geometries that the insects can produce, the pavilion is seen as an aggregation of repetitive and simple elements. Within the construction, several spherical interactive ecosystems are equipped with tracking cameras and sensors for motion, humidity, temperature, and sunlight intensity.

Simultaneously, the data combined with information collected by a network of ultrasonic sensors detecting the visitors' position is used to modulate a musical composition in real-time.

The result is a beautiful integration between architecture, the environment, and different living systems. Nature and humans inseparable and in harmony!

How does that sound to you? Do you have an inspiring example or a vision on how our future ways of living should look like?

Go to Co-design in our main menu and share it!

? Wunderbugs / © Francesco Lipari


Publication date
18 March 2021