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New European Bauhaus
NEB team Group photo
The NEB Team
A team of scientists, public service officers, architects and designers turned policy creators, alongside Commission veterans turned movement catalysts, make New European Bauhaus unique. We come from all parts of Europe and bring a diverse set of experience.

The team is under the "Fair and Sustainable Economy" directorate of the Joint Research Centre, European Commission.

Alina-Stefania UJUPAN

Head of the New European Bauhaus unit

  • Email: Alina-Stefania [dot] UJUPANatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Alina-Stefania[dot]UJUPAN[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
  • Phone number: +32 229-96043
Alina-Stefania UJUPAN
Alina-Stefania UJUPAN