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New European Bauhaus

Presentation of the book "Le New European Bauhaus, vers un nouveau rêve européen" (in French)

18 April - Speech / Panel discussion in Brussels, Belgium

Presentation of the book "Le New European Bauhaus, vers un nouveau rêve européen" (in French)


The book "Le New European Bauhaus, vers un nouveau rêve européen" will be presented by Alexandre d'Angelo who directed the realization of the book with a team of a dozen of researchers and writers.

The event will take place at the library "Filigranes" (Avenue des Arts, 39-42 ; 1040 Bruxelles) which is reference particular in art. On 18 April 2024 at 18h00.

*The texts in this work represent exclusively the opinions of their authors and do not in any way commit the European Commission.