Call for Partners - European Union
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New European Bauhaus
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Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
Become a Partner

Call for partnerships

The New European Bauhaus supports a movement of sustainable communities, inclusive dialogues, and purposeful activities. The role of partners is to help build and inspire these communities. At the same time, they act as sounding boards and key interlocutors for the initiative.

Who can apply for partnership?

Any entity, except for-profit organisations and public authorities, can become New European Bauhaus official partners. The call for partners of the New European Bauhaus is permanently open.

For-profit organisations and public authorities can instead apply as Friends of the initiative here.

Partners are organisations with a significant outreach capacity who are trusted members of their communities. Their core activities address one or more dimensions of the New European Bauhaus. They promote the core values of the European Union: human rights: freedom, democracy, equality and rule of law. Finally, they support the priorities of the European Union.

Partners will:

  • help our societies to create more beautiful, sustainable, inclusive urban and rural environments;
  • recognise that people should have the opportunity to co-create the spaces they live in and debate behaviours and lifestyles;
  • acknowledge that diverse perspectives and expertise are fundamental to generating beautiful, inclusive experiences.

Networks and umbrella organisations in the EU are natural candidates. National and sub-national organisations can also be ideal partners. For instance, national networks or foundations with statutory purpose, experience and scope.

Entities outside of the EU can apply if their activities significantly involve EU citizens and/or stakeholders.

What will partners do?

Partners commit to organising several types of activities, for example:

  • to discuss how diverse professions and disciplines can interpret and enrich the initiative. For example, by organising trans-disciplinary conversations, meetings, and conferences.
  • to identify or start projects, practices or concepts that enact the New European Bauhaus principles and to share them with the public;
  • to co-create with citizens and institutions beautiful, sustainable, inclusive living experiences.

Many more activities are possible as long as they are concrete and contribute to achieving the objectives of the New European Bauhaus.

Please note that the partners’ commitment is not subject to financial support.

How to apply

Candidates apply through an online process, which collects information in four steps.

1. Start

In the initial part of the application, candidates confirm their commitment to the initiative.

2. Your organisation

In the second step, candidates introduce the mission, values, experience, and goals of the organisation. This helps to assess the eligibility and to map the organisation to ease the matchmaking process if they are approved.

3. Activities

This step collects information on proposed tangible activities or projects with some elements of timing. The quality of the commitment is a major factor in the final assessment of the applications. The commitment should be compatible with the organisation's resources mentioned in step 2.

4. Candidate for host or sponsor

In this section, applicants express their interest in becoming hosts or sponsors. This is a first, easy way to learn how to structure one's own activities or projects. It is also a way to test solutions developed elsewhere. Finally, it is an opportunity to find synergies and establish long-lasting partnerships.

5. Public information

The organisation becomes a New European Bauhaus official partner if the application is successful. Its logo and commitment become public on the official website. A more detailed description of the organisation's activities becomes part of the dedicated platform, open to all members.

How are partners selected?

The call for partners of the New European Bauhaus is permanently open. The European Commission screens the applications to check the proposed activities' scope, quality, scale and diversity.

What do official partners receive in return?

They are featured on the official website of the New European Bauhaus.

Their activities, when relevant, appear on the official page with events and sometimes receive additional exposure on the initiative's Instagram account.

Partners get access to a wide set of information and working sessions hosted and facilitated by the European Commission. The Commission also facilitates online and offline partner interactions.

Partners have access to a dedicated online platform hosted and maintained by the Commission. The platform supports networking, community building and knowledge sharing.