Inspiring projects and ideas - European Union
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New European Bauhaus

Inspiring projects and ideas

Beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive projects inspiring positive transformation around us.

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Inspiring projects and ideas (77)

Showing results 1 to 10
A collage of people in workshopes discussing the ETOM project

The ETOM-NEB-Lab will be a co-creation lab on trans-European Modernism to evolve and realize trans-national cooperation, best-practice, research, and capacity building.

Project locations
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Netherlands, Czechia, Belgium, France, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia
NEB on the Danube

NEB on the Danube is a think-and-do tank acting as an enabler for the green transition in the Danube region

Project locations
Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine
NEB Stewardship Lab

This academic-led NEB lab project explores and enhances the role of higher education in the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative. The co-development of the NEB Stewardship (NEB-S) model makes the endeavour more accessible and tangible for higher education institutions and students.

Project locations
Finland, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Cyprus
Innovative funding

This Commission-led NEB Lab project explores innovative funding solutions and modalities to mobilise private funding for New European Bauhaus activities for which traditional EU, or other, instruments and expertise are insufficient or inappropriate.

Project locations
Ukraine NEB Lab

From providing emergency assistance to rebuilding Ukraine.

Project locations
City of Echoes

Imagine a city made up of different voices! No, really, think about it!

Project locations

Have you heard of the concept "design by availability"? 

Project locations
Tierras en danza

Art and movement as vehicles for leisure and self-expression!

Project locations