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New European Bauhaus
11 April 17:30 - Park Stage - Dance

DAH Theater - Dancing trees (RS)



DANCING TREES is the open air, dance theatre performance, which deals with the importance of preserving trees. Directed by Jadranka Andjelić and Dijana Milošević, it includes performers, video works, composed music by renowned composer Ivana Stefanović and aims to sensitize the audience and encourage initiatives in defence against excessive tree felling. 

On the New Bauhaus Festival we will show the 30 min. of it.   
One of the inspirational sources is the book by German forest engineer Peter Wohlleben, “The Hidden Life of the Trees” together with other sources and researches. The performance will use the facts about the importance of the trees together with a poetry and magical world of trees, interwoven with memory, communication and breathing that releases oxygen – so necessary for the human survival. 

While Global deforestation continues at an alarming rate, planting the trees shows as one of the most effective way of combating climate changes.  Trees not only provide us with oxygen and shadow, they are also important for our spiritual and physical health. In which ways awareness of that importance can be raised? Our performance is also one of the ways one can choose. Our project aims to sensitize the audience and encourage urban initiatives in defence against excessive tree felling . By using creative ways, the show wants to inspire resistance and to motivate citizens to connect and network, be proactive in the defence of trees and forests. 

The performance is a part of the wider Project which is set up as the Case Study in the online course Teaching Artistry for Social Impact as an exemplary artistic project about the climate change, on – one of the wold largest learning platform. 

DANCING TREES received the Fixing the Future – Climate Innovation award 2021 by Austrian Radio Ö1 and participated at the innovation festival Market of the Future in Graz, October 1 -3, 2021. It is also the Case Study in the course Teaching Artistry for Social Impact on  –  

Produced By DAH Theatre in collaboration with BELGRADE DANCE INSTITUTE.  
Supported by: ITAC – Climate Impact; Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs; International Relief Fund of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe Institute, and other partners:; City of Belgrade – Secretary for Culture. 

See Youtube video