NEB Lab: Innovative funding - philanthropy - European Union Skip to main content
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NEB Lab: Innovative funding - pilot for joint funding with philanthropy

This Commission-led NEB Lab project explores innovative funding solutions and modalities to mobilise private funding for New European Bauhaus activities for which traditional EU, or other, instruments and expertise are insufficient or inappropriate.

© Tanapat Lek,jew / Adobe Stock

In a fragmented financial market, where there is lack of funding for big transformation projects, there is growing interest in the philanthropic sector to try and alleviate the problem. There is, however, no easy way of matching private with public funding due to a plethora of regulations and rules.

Starting from philanthropy, this project will define one or more pilots to combine private and public funding. The aim would be to learn both from a model of joint funding and the deployment of new modalities of support.

The main focus of this project is on delivering model(s) for public-private joint funding scheme supporting low scale, neighbourhood type interventions, for entities such as NGOs, grass-roots organisations, local municipal and other public authorities, local SMEs, etc.

Project milestones

  • April 2022: Draft report on philanthropy landscape in Europe
  • July 2022: Final report on philanthropy models and best practices
  • October - December 2022: Proof of concept - shaping one, or more, pilot joint funding instrument(s)

Participation in the project

The project requires:

  • mobilising the philanthropic sector, and
  • identifying the needs and associated intervention modalities which can bring added value compared to traditional EU instruments.

Several stakeholders will be involved in testing the emerging proposals. The objective would be to test the models that present strong potential to be mainstreamed or tested at different levels, i.e. with EU, National or regional funding.

Beyond the multi-disciplinary project coordinators team, anyone interested in giving feedback on the draft reports or proposals is welcome to share their insights. You can participate, if you are interested in shaping such joint funding schemes and identifying needs that are currently not well covered by existing funding programmes.

Project team coordinators


Related information

The NEB Lab