Fostering a growing movement
The New European Bauhaus translates the European Green Deal into a tangible, positive experience in which all Europeans can participate and progress together.
By creating bridges between different backgrounds, cutting across disciplines and building on participation at all levels, the New European Bauhaus inspires a movement to facilitate and steer the transformation of our societies along three inseparable values:
- sustainability, from climate goals, to circularity, zero pollution, and biodiversity
- aesthetics, quality of experience and style, beyond functionality
- inclusion, from valorising diversity, to securing accessibility and affordability
The initiative's approach is multi-level from global to local, participatory and transdisciplinary.
From co-design to the delivery of transformation
Four thematic axes will guide the initiative’s implementation:
- reconnecting with nature
- regaining a sense of belonging
- prioritising the places and people that need it most
- fostering long term, life cycle and integrated thinking in the industrial ecosystem
These key themes take inspiration from the views and experiences of thousands of citizens, professionals and organisations across the EU who joined the co-design of the initiative and the open conversation about rethinking the way we live together.
Moving forward, the New European Bauhaus movement will focus on three key interconnected transformations:
- of places on the ground
- of the environment that enables innovation
- of our perspectives and way of thinking
Support framework and calls for proposals
Inspired by the co-design phase, which allowed to further define the concept and priorities for the New European Bauhaus actions, the delivery presents the first elements of a support framework at EU level. The combination of several EU financing instruments with complementary scopes reflects the transdisciplinarity of the initiative.
The Communication presents plans to build on and mobilise EU funds to support pilot projects, explore new avenues and turn the ideas of the New European Bauhaus movement into reality. Through the links below, you will find the different EU funding opportunities supporting the initiative. Several calls (fully dedicated or contributing to the New European Bauhaus) are presented according to the three main types of impact they seek.
Supporting the concrete transformation of the built environment and associated lifestyles at local level
Supporting innovation aimed at integrating sustainability, inclusion, and aesthetics in new solutions and products
Questioning our perspectives and mind-set around the core values of aesthetics, sustainability and inclusion
The Commission will also invite EU Member States to mainstream the New European Bauhaus core values in their strategies for territorial and socio-economic development, and mobilise the relevant parts of their recovery and resilience plans, as well as the programmes under cohesion policy to build a better future for everyone.
Working with the New European Bauhaus Community
The Commission will establish a New European Bauhaus Lab to work with its growing community to co-create, prototype and test the tools, solutions and policy actions that will facilitate the transformation on the ground.
To allow visibility for the change makers, to encourage them to share progress and results, and to foster the engagement of citizens, we will convene a New European Bauhaus Festival for the first time in spring 2022. The first edition of the festival will take place in Brussels and will be organised and financed by the European Commission. Based on this experience, the Commission will draw up a concept for a yearly event that will, ideally, include places in and outside the EU from 2023 onwards.
Next steps
- Calling on all EU Institutions to promote the debate further across Europe and beyond.
- Inviting EU Member States to appoint a New European Bauhaus contact to coordinate local efforts and participate in an EU wide informal network to exchange information and experience.
- Publishing a report on progress in 2022.
Latest News
- 15 SEPTEMBER 2021
- 15 SEPTEMBER 2021
- 29 NOVEMBER 2021
- 1 DECEMBER 2021
- 27 JANUARY 2022
Contacts & spread the word!
For press enquiries, please contact: Vivian LOONELA, celia [dot] dejondec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Célia DEJOND), JRC-Pressec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-Press[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
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- Materiale promoționale
- 15 septembrie 2021
Visuals and messages that you are welcome to use on your website or social media to help spread the word.
Official documents
- Publicații generale
- 15 septembrie 2021
- СЪОБЩЕНИЕ НА КОМИСИЯТА - Нов европейски БаухаусDescărcațiбългарски(2.01 MB - PDF)
- COMUNICACIÓN DE LA COMISIÓN - La Nueva Bauhaus EuropeaDescărcațiespañol(1.47 MB - PDF)
- SDĚLENÍ KOMISE - Nový evropský BauhausDescărcațičeština(1.84 MB - PDF)
- MEDDELELSE FRA KOMMISSIONEN - Det nye europæiske BauhausDescărcațidansk(1.49 MB - PDF)
- MITTEILUNG DER KOMMISSION - Neues Europäisches BauhausDescărcațiDeutsch(1.61 MB - PDF)
- KOMISJONI TEATIS - Uus Euroopa BauhausDescărcațieesti(1.28 MB - PDF)
- ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗΣ - Νέο Ευρωπαϊκό ΜπάουχαουςDescărcațiελληνικά(2.04 MB - PDF)
- Commission Communication on the New European BauhausDescărcațiEnglish(1.36 MB - PDF)
- COMMUNICATION DE LA COMMISSION - Nouveau Bauhaus européenDescărcațifrançais(1.13 MB - PDF)
- KOMUNIKACIJA KOMISIJE - Novi europski BauhausDescărcațihrvatski(1.49 MB - PDF)
- COMUNICAZIONE DELLA COMMISSIONE - Nuovo Bauhaus europeoDescărcațiitaliano(1.3 MB - PDF)
- KOMISIJAS PAZIŅOJUMS - Jaunais Eiropas "Bauhaus"Descărcațilatviešu(1.72 MB - PDF)
- KOMISIJOS KOMUNIKATAS - Naujasis europinis bauhauzasDescărcațilietuvių(1.63 MB - PDF)
- A BIZOTTSÁG KÖZLEMÉNYE - Az új európai BauhausDescărcațimagyar(1.29 MB - PDF)
- KOMUNIKAZZJONI TAL-KUMMISSJONI - Il-Bauhaus Ewropea l-ĠdidaDescărcațiMalti(1.72 MB - PDF)
- MEDEDELING VAN DE COMMISSIE - Nieuw Europees BauhausDescărcațiNederlands(1.39 MB - PDF)
- KOMUNIKAT KOMISJI - Nowy Europejski BauhausDescărcațipolski(1.69 MB - PDF)
- COMUNICAÇÃO DA COMISSÃO - Novo Bauhaus europeuDescărcațiportuguês(1.27 MB - PDF)
- OZNÁMENIE KOMISIE - Nový európsky BauhausDescărcațislovenčina(1.78 MB - PDF)
- SPOROČILO KOMISIJE - Novi evropski BauhausDescărcațislovenščina(1.58 MB - PDF)
- KOMISSION TIEDONANTO - Uusi eurooppalainen BauhausDescărcațisuomi(1.3 MB - PDF)
- MEDDELANDE FRÅN KOMMISSIONEN - Det nya europeiska BauhausDescărcațisvenska(1.51 MB - PDF)
- Publicații generale
- 15 septembrie 2021
- ANNEX - 1 Доклад за етапа на съвместно проектиранеDescărcațiбългарски(2.34 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Informe sobre la fase de codiseñoDescărcațiespañol(1.74 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Zpráva o fázi společného návrhuDescărcațičeština(2.06 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Rapport om fasen for fælles designDescărcațidansk(1.96 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Bericht über die Phase der gemeinsamen GestaltungDescărcațiDeutsch(1.81 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Ühise kavandamise etapi aruanneDescărcațieesti(1.86 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Έκθεση σχετικά με τη φάση του από κοινού σχεδιασμούDescărcațiελληνικά(2.36 MB - PDF)
- Annex 1 – Report on the co-design phaseDescărcațiEnglish(1.65 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Rapport sur la phase de co-conceptionDescărcațifrançais(1.84 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Izvješće o fazi zajedničkog osmišljavanjaDescărcațihrvatski(1.94 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Relazione sulla fase di co-progettazioneDescărcațiitaliano(2.03 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Ziņojums par līdzizstrādes posmuDescărcațilatviešu(2.07 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Bendro koncepcijos kūrimo etapo ataskaitaDescărcațilietuvių(2.2 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - A közös tervezési szakaszról szóló jelentésDescărcațimagyar(2.03 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Rapport dwar il-fażi ta' kodisinnDescărcațiMalti(1.94 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Verslag over de fase van cocreatieDescărcațiNederlands(2.09 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Sprawozdanie z etapu współprojektowaniaDescărcațipolski(2.06 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Relatório sobre a fase de conceção conjuntaDescărcațiportuguês(1.84 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Správa o fáze spoločného koncipovaniaDescărcațislovenčina(1.91 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Poročilo o fazi sooblikovanjaDescărcațislovenščina(1.98 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Kertomus yhteissuunnitteluvaiheestaDescărcațisuomi(1.67 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 1 - Rapport om den gemensamma utformningsfasenDescărcațisvenska(1.99 MB - PDF)
- Publicații generale
- 15 septembrie 2021
- ANNEX 2 - Мобилизиране на програмите на ЕСDescărcațiбългарски(992.44 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Movilización de los programas de la UEDescărcațiespañol(824.96 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Mobilizace programů EUDescărcațičeština(752.72 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Mobilisering af EU-programmerDescărcațidansk(679.95 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Inanspruchnahme von EU-ProgrammenDescărcațiDeutsch(663.13 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - ELi programmide kaasamineDescărcațieesti(718.25 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Κινητοποίηση των προγραμμάτων της ΕΕDescărcațiελληνικά(984.73 KB - PDF)
- Annex 2 – Mobilising EU programmesDescărcațiEnglish(357.62 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Mobilisation des programmes de l’UEDescărcațifrançais(814.35 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Mobilizacija programa EU-aDescărcațihrvatski(741.05 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Mobilitazione dei programmi dell'UEDescărcațiitaliano(633.98 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - ES programmu mobilizēšanaDescărcațilatviešu(864.41 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - ES programų sutelkimasDescărcațilietuvių(748.42 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Az uniós programok mozgósításaDescărcațimagyar(904.71 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Programmi ta' mobilizzazzjoni tal-UEDescărcațiMalti(989.47 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - EU-programma’s mobiliserenDescărcațiNederlands(909.69 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Wykorzystanie programów UEDescărcațipolski(789.27 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Mobilizar programas da EUDescărcațiportuguês(857.63 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Mobilizácia programov EÚDescărcațislovenčina(929.32 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Aktiviranje programov EUDescărcațislovenščina(644.22 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - EU:n ohjelmien hyödyntäminenDescărcațisuomi(629.05 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 2 - Mobilisering av EU-programDescărcațisvenska(691.73 KB - PDF)
- Publicații generale
- 15 septembrie 2021
- ANNEX 3 - Екосистема от политики на Новия европейски БаухаусDescărcațiбългарски(1.05 MB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Ecosistema de políticas de la Nueva Bauhaus EuropeaDescărcațiespañol(670.7 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Politický ekosystém Nového evropského BauhausuDescărcațičeština(845.27 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Økosystemet for nyt europæisk bauhaus-politikkenDescărcațidansk(758.09 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Politisches Umfeld für das Neue Europäische BauhausDescărcațiDeutsch(768.37 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Uue Euroopa Bauhausi poliitika ökosüsteemDescărcațieesti(803.71 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Το οικοσύστημα πολιτικής για το Νέο Ευρωπαϊκό ΜπάουχαουςDescărcațiελληνικά(1.06 MB - PDF)
- Annex 3 – The New European Bauhaus policy ecosystemDescărcațiEnglish(453.93 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - L'écosystème politique du nouveau Bauhaus européenDescărcațifrançais(587.01 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Ekosustav politike novog europskog BauhausaDescărcațihrvatski(781 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - L'ecosistema delle politiche del nuovo Bauhaus europeoDescărcațiitaliano(539.06 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Jaunā Eiropas "Bauhaus" rīcībpolitikas ekosistēmaDescărcațilatviešu(921.09 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Naujojo europinio bauhauzo politikos ekosistemaDescărcațilietuvių(850.42 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Az új európai Bauhaus politikai ökoszisztémájaDescărcațimagyar(663.59 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Ekosistema tal-politika tal-Bauhaus Ewropea l-ĠdidaDescărcațiMalti(819.05 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Het beleidsecosysteem van het Nieuw Europees BauhausDescărcațiNederlands(751.68 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Ekosystem polityczny nowego europejskiego BauhausuDescărcațipolski(946.45 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - O ecossistema político do Novo Bauhaus europeuDescărcațiportuguês(660.54 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Politický ekosystém Nového európskeho BauhausuDescărcațislovenčina(884.26 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Ekosistem politike novega evropskega BauhausaDescărcațislovenščina(736.45 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Uusi eurooppalainen Bauhaus - toimintapoliittinen ekosysteemiDescărcațisuomi(770.94 KB - PDF)
- ANNEX 3 - Den politiska ramen för BauhausinitiativetDescărcațisvenska(757.84 KB - PDF)