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New European Bauhaus

Open call: creators and organisations invited to join the Festival of the New European Bauhaus in Brussels

European Commission | Press Release | 09 February 2022

The European Commission invites organisations, art collectives, institutions, universities, architects, cities, regions, companies, artists, students, scientists, innovators and all interested people to be part of the first Festival of the New European Bauhaus that will take place in Brussels from 9 to 12 June. It is the first edition of this festival and it will be the occasion to showcase the values and principles of the New European Bauhaus.

The hybrid event will propose live performances, exhibitions, participatory activities and a forum to debate and exchange ideas. It will invite everybody to image the way we live together in a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful way. Faithful to the participatory and transdisciplinary approach of the New European Bauhaus, the Commission opens today calls for the Fair and the Fest part of the Festival as well as for side events in Brussels and beyond:

The Festival’s main activities will take place physically in Brussels and online, with side events across the EU and beyond. It will be a moment to involve everyone in the New European Bauhaus movement, from people and families to experts and organisations, to debate and design future ways of living together.

Calls for applications open until 7 March

Interested organisations and individuals can propose their own activities, projects, venues or side events to become a spotlight feature of the three pillars of The Festival:

  • The Fest: a cultural programme with a range of performances, art pieces, creative participatory activities, and festivities in associated pop-up spaces in Brussels;
  • The Fair: exhibitions spread across the city to display projects and products that support the values of the New European Bauhaus, with networking opportunities for visitors and exhibitors, including pitches from innovators to investors;
  • The Forum: an online platform broadcasting debates in Brussels, as well as side-events across the world, to debate ideas that contribute to the New European Bauhaus.

The calls are open until midnight on 7 March 2022 to individual artists and cultural actors, artists’ collectives, publicly funded projects, public organisations, non-governmental organisations, and any other non-profit organisations active at local, regional, national, European or international level. The Commission has published a factsheet for potential applicants that contains detailed information about the four calls for applications and their selection processes.

Support for participants

The European Commission makes available support to people and organisations to help them take part in The Festival, depending on the individual needs of each selected applicant, as well as on the organisational requirements of the event overall. The benefits the Commission might offer include:

  • Technical support for exhibitors at The Fair to promote their projects to a wider public in Brussels;
  • Streaming side events on the digital platform, with promotional information about the organisers and links to other organisations and similar events;
  • A slot in the event’s programme and in the interactive map that will guide visitors through the various locations in Brussels;
  • Visibility on the online digital platform to raise a participant’s profile to a worldwide audience and communication support;
  • Networking opportunities, learning and exchange of experiences among different actors willing to cooperate;
  • A contribution to the remuneration of artistic and cultural performances;

Next steps

Applications are open today until 7 March 2022. Early April 2022, the applicants will be informed of the outcome of the screening procedure, including what type of support can be offered.


The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences. It calls on all of us to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls. It aims for places, practices, and experiences that are:

  • Beautiful, inspired by art and culture, responding to needs beyond functionality.
  • Sustainable, in harmony with nature, the environment, and our planet. 
  • Inclusive, encouraging a dialogue across cultures, disciplines, genders and ages. 

Launched by President von der Leyen in her 2020 State of the Union address, the New European Bauhaus was co-designed together with thousands of people and organisations across Europe and further beyond. In September 2021, the initiative moved from co-design to delivery with a Commission Communication setting out policy actions and funding to make the initiative a reality.

More Information

Calls to join The Festival of the New European Bauhaus

Factsheet about the calls to join The Festival of the New European Bauhaus

The Festival of the New European Bauhaus

New European Bauhaus website > The Festival

Print friendly pdf

  • 9 FEBRUARY 2022
Open call: creators and organisations invited to join the Festival of the New European Bauhaus in Brussels

Press contact

Adalbert JAHNZ

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Mail adalbert [dot] jahnzatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (adalbert[dot]jahnz[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)


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