Inspiring projects and ideas - European Union Skip to main content
New European Bauhaus

Inspiring projects and ideas

Beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive projects inspiring positive transformation around us.

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Inspiring projects and ideas (77)

Showing results 40 to 50
NEB Nordic picture forest

This community-led NEB Lab project is an open forum for the discussion of how architecture, design and art can help in achieving a carbon neutral built environment in an inclusive manner.

Project locations
Denmark, Faroes, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
Places of Learning

This Commission-led NEB Lab project collects and connects transformation initiatives, proof of concepts and good practices for future learning environments (formal and informal). 

Project locations
Funding Lab project

This Commission-led NEB Lab project explores innovative funding solutions for New European Bauhaus activities. It concentrates on the various articulations of public funding and crowdfunding, from pooling resources to community support.

Project locations
Labelling ok

This Commission-led NEB Lab project supports the definition, identification and development of New European Bauhaus transformation projects.

Project locations

This Commission-led NEB Lab project explores innovative funding solutions and modalities to mobilise private funding for New European Bauhaus activities for which traditional EU, or other, instruments and expertise are insufficient or inappropriate.

Project locations
Regulatory analysis

This Commission-led NEB Lab project analyses how the European, national, regional or local regulatory framework can support the development of projects conforming to the New European Bauhaus values.

Project locations
Balance board S2020 © European Union

Movement is freedom. Freedom is balance. Balance is life.

Project locations
fuse © European Union

Art and storytelling as a vehicle to strengthen a community's legacy and future. That's the main premise behind fuse.

Project locations