For many years, scientists have argued that the planet cannot sustain our current lifestyle. It is our collective responsibility to imagine new ways of living that respect our environment and find innovative ways to finance them. Teaching the younger generations to protect nature and biodiversity is essential, but more is needed. It is also necessary to be ready to concretely support sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive projects that can help with the much-needed mindset shift.
Stage I of the NEB Lab innovative funding project consisted of two pilots: philanthropy and crowdfunding. It required mobilising the philanthropic and crowdfunding sectors, while identifying the needs and associated intervention modalities that can bring added value compared to traditional EU instruments. The objective was to test financing models with solid potential to be mainstreamed or tested at different levels, i.e., with EU, National or regional funding. Several stakeholders were involved in trying the emerging proposals.
The two pilot projects have now moved on to the next stage and become one consolidated project. The NEB Lab project on innovative funding explores how to establish a way small, grassroots projects with low, seed-level financing to make a tangible impact on the New European Bauhaus community. As we advance, the goal will be to look into creating a platform for small projects across Europe and offer possible funding solutions for each project via crowdfunding, philanthropy, or EU public funding.
Project milestones
- April 2022: draft reports on philanthropy and crowdfunding
- November 2022: final reports on philanthropy and crowdfunding models and best practices
- March 2023: second consolidated report on possible ways to structure the Innovative Advisory Hub.
- November 2023: expected results from the Budgetary Committee of the European Parliament with a possible pilot project funding envelope to develop the hub.
Project team coordinators
Contributors to the first stage of the project
- EC, Directorate‑General for Economic and Financial Affairs
- New European Bauhaus partners: European Cultural Foundation, FEDORA, Philea, The Arks Foundation, BIDs Belgium, Eurac Research, REGEA, The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
EC-New-European-Bauhausec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EC-New-European-Bauhaus[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Related information
- Reference
- NEB Lab, European Commission led project
- Project locations
- Brussels, Belgium