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Degree in Design, Universidad de Navarra

Can project-based learning foster inclusive, beautiful, and sustainable ideas on students of design?

Degree in Design Universidad de Navarra © European Union
Degree in Design Universidad de Navarra
© European Union, 2021

Can Project-Based Learning foster inclusive, beautiful, and sustainable ideas on students of design? ✍?????

The New "Degree in Design" from Universidad de Navarra was established within this student-centered philosophy.

The concept is straightforward: educate and encourage versatile and creative future designers through an innovative, project-based approach that focuses on an integrated and transversal vision that assumes the value of design in the quality of its service to society.

The primary goal of the "Degree in Design," which was launched in 2016, is to provide students with the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects centered on design and interdisciplinary challenges and problems they may face in the real world. ??️?

The project was awarded the 2021 New European Bauhaus prize in the category of "Interdisciplinary education models."

This degree's development shared a common concern in approaching design education from a holistic, interdisciplinary, practical, and project-centered perspective.

The collaborative character of these learner-centered teaching approaches blends theoretical, practical, technical, and creative components, which have full significance when viewed concurrently and consistently applied pragmatically to a project. Thus, through the practical and creative exercise of the project, students connect and understand the new constellation of subjects, ideas, and teachings. ?✒️?

The program requires students to complete many projects each year over four years.

The first two years of projects are shared by all students, while the following two years are divided into three areas of interest: fashion, product, and service design. All projects must include the DALCO criteria—to provide an accessible environment for all.

For instance, students in "Atlantes" work with the University Hospital's Department of Palliative Care, while those in "Green campus" aim to improve recycling services. In addition, fourth-year students work on the "Inclusive project," which involves adapting three companies' goods to meet the needs of individuals with diverse disabilities. ????

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