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New European Bauhaus
  • Head of Service Office for Infrastructure and Logistics Brussels (OIB)



Marc Becquet is by education a mechanical and electrical engineer (1983), and he as PhD degree in applied science (1987), both from the ULB. 

After his military service at the Royal Military Academy (ERM), he was from 1984 until 1989 a faculty staff at the Ecole Polytechnique of ULB, working on robotics, CAD/CAM and machine design. 

He joined the European Commission at the end of 1989, working at the Joint Research Centre in various posts and location (Italy, the Netherlands, and Brussels), concentrating on research projects in the nuclear field, material science and in management of research. 

From April 2015 until end of December 2015, he was the Director ad interim for Security at the European Commission. 

From 1st November 2016 until 30th April 2020, he was Head of Service of the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics Luxembourg of the European Commission. 

Since 1st May 2020, he is Head of Service of the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics Brussels of the European Commission. 

And since 1st February 2023, he also took back responsibilities for OIL as acting Head of Service. 

In parallel, he continues his teaching activities as tenure track lecturer at the Solvay Business School of ULB since 1988, first teaching industrial process and since several years emerging technologies. 


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