Rosario Talevi (Buenos Aires, 1983) is a Berlin-based architect, curator, editor and educator interested in critical spatial practice (Rendell), transformative pedagogies and feminist futures. A graduate of the School of Architecture, Design & Urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires. She has held teaching and research positions in Berlin (UdK, TUB) and at the University of Buenos Aires (FADU/UBA). She was Guest Professor of Social Design (2021-22) at HFBK in Hamburg. Currently, she is teaching at the Free University in Bolzano, Italy.
Rosario’s interdisciplinary practice has manifested through the work of diverse groups such as Floating University (since 2018), Soft Agency (2017-2023), raumlabor berlin (2016-2021), or via projects such as Make City (2014-2018), Making Futures (2018-2020), Climate Care (2019-2023) and Village as Ecological Entity (since 2023).
In 2022, Rosario was a fellow at the Thomas Mann Haus in Los Angeles, California.
Single mother of Florentina Talevi (born 2003).