Organizers and partners of the conference
Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport
Austrian Architectural Foundation, Province of Styria, Austrian Chamber of Architects and Consultants Engineers, Haus der Architektur, LandLuft, Plattform Baukulturpolitik
ACE Architects Council of Europe
ZAPS – Chamber of Architecture and Spatial planning of Slovenia
Slovene Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Maribor Municipality
- green infrastructure | culture | inclusion
- Wednesday 6 October 2021, 09:00 - Friday 8 October 2021, 17:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Wednesday 6 October 2021, 09:00 - Friday 8 October 2021, 17:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
- Organisers
- PRESS INFORMATION: Susanne Haider, art:phalanx – Kultur und Urbanität
- Website
- More info about the event and livestream link
- Social media links
6 October 2021 – Conference in Graz, Austria
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In Graz, the focus of the conference is to present the results of the OMC Working Group on high-quality Architecture and Built Environment for everyone. On behalf of the European Commission, this Working Group has drawn up recommendations for European policies on different levels of action.
Within the framework of the conference, these activities are also connected with the initiative of the New European Bauhaus.
Welcome and Opening
Andrea Mayer,Austrian Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Martin Selmayr, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Austria, Tomaž Krištof, President of the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, Christian Kühn Chairman of the Austrian Federal Advisory Board on Baukultur
Panel 1: Architecture, Baukultur and the Future of Europe
Reinier de Graaf (NL), Ruth Reichstein (D), Johan de Walsche (BE), Maroje Mrduljaš (HR), Charles Landry (UK)
Panel 2: Quality Concepts
Veronika Valk (EST), Nina Mekacher (CH), Giulia Vallone (IE), Estanislau Vidal-Folch (E), Nicola Matthews, Freek Ingen Housz
Panel 3: Future Policies
Robert Temel (A), Hughes Becquart (B), Jan Schultheiss (D)
7 October 2021 – Conference in Maribor, Slovenia
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In Maribor the ECAP European Conference on Architectural Policies will take place in the context of the Slovenian presidency of the EU 2021. The conference will concentrate on the challenge of renovating the fund of typical individual residential houses, which represent the predominant pattern of non-urban settlements in Slovenia and the living environment of half of its population.
Welcome and Opening
Gregor Reichenberg, Deputy Mayor of Maribor Municipality, Gerhard Jagersberger, Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, and Michael Roth, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Aleš Vrhovec, President of the Conference Organizing Committee – Chamber of Architecture and Spatial planning of Slovenia, Georg Pendl, President Architects Council of Europe
Panel 1: Urban Problems in Rural Areas
Janez Koželj (SLO), Dietmar Feistel (AT)
Responses by Renate Hammer (AT), Gregor Macedoni (SLO), Ana Kreč + Andraž Keršič (SLO)
In the evening:
Opening of the exhibition: Rehab(il)itation – Single-family house, From Suburbs to the Countryside
Uroš Lobnik (SLO), Matej Blenkuš (SLO)
8 October 2021 – Conference in Maribor, Slovenia
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Welcome and Opening
Saša Arsenovič, Mayor of the Municipality of Maribor, Robert Rožac, State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Tomaž Krištof, President of the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial planning of Slovenia, Elsa Brunner, Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Aleš Vrhovec, President of the Conference Organizing Committee – Chamber of Architecture and Spatial planning of Slovenia
Panel 2: Local Resources and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Ana Roš (SLO), Andrej Detela (SLO), Ivo Boscarol (SLO), Matevž Granda (SLO)
Responses by Saimir Kristo (AL), Dušan Lukič (SLO)
Panel 3: Linking Policies and Resources
Matteo Bolgan (I), Polona Filipič (SLO)
Responses by Eugen Panescu (RO), Gregor Reichenberg (SLO), Ištvan Išt Huzjan (SLO)
Panel 4: The Future of Countryside in Europe
Idis Turato (CRO), Boštjan Videmšek (SLO)
Conference summary
Špela Spanžel, Ministry of Culture of Slovenia
Discussion and approval of conference message